Tag Archives: Psychotherapy

Skills required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist

Skills required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist

Skills required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist are many and need to be inculcated carefully. Counselors and psychotherapists play a crucial role in improving the health and wellbeing of our society. They help people to talk about their feelings, think about their choices or their behaviour, and make positive changes in their lives. Thus one needs to understand the skills required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist and see that they acquire them.  The Top Alternate Medicine Centres in Chennai are run by people having the Skills required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist. Counselling and therapy is one of the Best Alternate Healing Method to treat Depression, thus the counselors must possess the Skills required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist.

Skills required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist are:

1)  Attending is a Skill required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist. It refers to the ways in which counselors can be “with” their clients, both physically and psychologically. Effective attending tells clients that you are with them and that they can share their world with you. Effective attending also puts you in a position to listen carefully to what your clients are saying. Effective attending puts counselors in a position to listen carefully to what their clients are saying or not saying.

2) Squarely face your client is a Skill required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist. Adopt a bodily posture that indicates involvement with your client. (A more angled position may be preferable for some clients – as long as you pay attention to the client.) A desk between you and your client may, for instance, create a psychological barrier between you.

3)Open posture is a Skill required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist. Ask yourself to what degree your posture communicates openness and availability to the client. Crossed legs and crossed arms may be interpreted as diminished involvement with the client or even unavailability or remoteness, while an open posture can be a sign that you are open to the client and to what he or she has to say.

4) Lean toward the client is a Skill required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist. It is used (when appropriate) to show your involvement and interest. To lean back from your client may convey the opposite message.

5) Eye contact is a Skill required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist. Eye Contact with a client conveys the message that you are interested in what the client has to say. If you catch yourself looking away frequently, ask yourself why you are reluctant to get involved with this person or why you feel so uncomfortable in his or her presence. Be aware of the fact that direct eye contact is not regarded as acceptable in all cultures.

6) Try to be relaxed or natural with the client is a Skill required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist. Do not fidget nervously or engage in distracting facial expressions. The client may begin to wonder what it is in himself or herself that makes you so nervous! Being relaxed means that you are comfortable with using your body as a vehicle of personal contact and expression and for putting the client at ease.

7) Listening is a Skill required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist. It refers to the ability of counselors to capture and understand the messages clients communicate as they tell their stories, whether those messages are transmitted verbally or nonverbally.

Active listening involves the following four skills:

  • Listening to and understanding the client’s verbal messages. When a client tells you his or her story, it usually comprises a mixture of experiences (what happened to him or her), behaviors (what the client did or failed to do), and affect (the feelings or emotions associated with the experiences and behaviour). The counselor has to listen to the mix of experiences, behaviour and feelings the client uses to describe his or her problem situation. Also “hear” what the client is not saying.
  • Listening to and interpreting the client’s nonverbal messages. Counselors should learn how to listen to and read nonverbal messages such as bodily behaviour (posture, body movement and gestures), facial expressions (smiles, frowns, raised eyebrows, twisted lips), voice related behaviour (tone, pitch, voice level, intensity, inflection, spacing of words, emphases, pauses, silences and fluency), observable physiological responses (quickened breathing, a temporary rash, blushing, paleness, pupil dilation), general appearance (grooming and dress), and physical appearance (fitness, height, weight, complexion). Counselors need to learn how to “read” these messages without distorting or over interpreting them.
  • Listening to and understanding the client in context. The counselor should listen to the whole person in the context of his or her social settings.
  • Listening with empathy. Empathic listening involves attending, observing and listening (“being with”) in such a way that the counselor develops an understanding of the client and his or her world. The counselor should put his or her own concerns aside to be fully “with” their clients.

Active listening is unfortunately not an easy skill to acquire. Counselors should be aware of the following hindrances to effective listening.

  • Inadequate listening: It is easy to be distracted from what other people are saying if one allows oneself to get lost in one’s own thoughts or if one begins to think what one intends to say in reply. Counselors are also often distracted because they have problems of their own, feel ill, or because they become distracted by social and cultural differences between themselves and their clients. All these factors make it difficult to listen to and understand their clients.
  • Evaluative listening: Most people listen evaluatively to others. This means that they are judging and labeling what the other person is saying as either right/wrong, good/bad, acceptable/unacceptable, relevant/irrelevant etc. They then tend to respond evaluatively as well.
  • Filtered listening: We tend to listen to ourselves, other people and the world around us through biased (often prejudiced) filters. Filtered listening distorts our understanding of our clients.
  • Labels as filters: Diagnostic labels can prevent you from really listening to your client. If you see a client as “that women with Aids”, your ability to listen empathetically to her problems will be severely distorted and diminished.
  • Fact centered rather than person centered listening: Asking only informational or factual questions won’t solve the client’s problems. Listen to the client’s whole context and focus on themes and core messages.
    • Rehearsing: If you mentally rehearse your answers, you are also not listening attentively. Counselors who listen carefully to the themes and core messages in a client’s story always know how to respond. The response may not be a fluent, eloquent or “practised” one, but it will at least be sincere and appropriate.
    • Sympathetic listening: Although sympathy has its place in human transactions, the “use” of sympathy is limited in the helping relationship because it can distort the counselor’s listening to the client’s story. To sympathise with someone is to become that person’s “accomplice”. Sympathy conveys pity and even complicity, and pity for the client can diminish the extent to which you can help the client.
  • 8) Empathy is a Skill required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist. It is your ability to understand and identify with another person’s experiences, even if they do not describe their thoughts or feelings explicitly to you. A good therapist can empathize with a wide variety of people, understanding their choices and feelings even if, as a therapist, you do not agree with them. You will need to be emotionally attuned to individuals’ needs, and will also have to be able to help them identify and articulate their feelings. An angry person, for example, might be struggling with feelings of inadequacy that fuel anger. A highly empathetic therapist will be better equipped to detect this.

9) The ability to develop a non-judgmental approach is a Skill required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist.

A counselor’s job is not to pass judgment or give advice on a client’s actions or feelings; instead through talking therapy they aim to help clients see things clearly, from a different, more optimistic viewpoint. To do this client’s need to feel free to express their thoughts and feelings without judgment, criticism or rejection. As a counselor you need to contain and manage your own reactions in a supportive and professional manner.

10) Confidentiality is a Skill required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist.

Confidentiality issues need to be strictly observed. Only in exceptional circumstances should anything that is discussed in client sessions be passed on to third parties other than the counselor’s clinical supervisor.

11) Resilience, patience and humility are Skills required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist. The work of a counselor can be very intense and demanding. One needs to develop sufficient emotional robustness and a high degree of self-reflexivity. One also needs a capacity for self-care and a willingness to recognise one’s own limitations.

12) A genuine interest in others is a Skill required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist. Not technically a skill, but essential none the less. For a lasting and gratifying career one will need to remain curious and committed to improving the emotional wellbeing of their clients. Being able to demonstrate real interest in clients’ individual situations will promote a positive and trusting client-counselor relationship.

13) A strong network of colleagues is a Skill required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist. Sometimes you will need to refer people to other therapists or to a psychiatrist and having a strong network of colleagues with whom you communicate can help you give those individuals the best referrals possible. People are also more likely to create a positive therapeutic relationship with a therapist who is a good communicator, as this can convey confidence and assertiveness.

14) Boundary setting is a Skill required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist. In order to provide ethical therapy, counselors and therapists must be able to establish and maintain healthy boundaries with the people they help in treatment. One aspect of protecting the welfare of the people you work with in therapy is to avoid dual relationships, particularly relationships that are romantic or sexual in nature. It is not ethical for you to participate in romantic relationships with the people you treat in therapy.

You must be able to clearly communicate to clients the nature and limits of the therapeutic relationship. This usually starts during your initial consultation with them, when they fill out your disclosure forms.

People are not born knowing how to set healthy boundaries; it is something that you learn throughout your lifetime. You must be conscientious of the boundaries you set as a therapist, even if you may have struggled with setting boundaries in your personal life or have codependent tendencies.

15) Critical thinking is a Skill required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist. You will need strong critical thinking skills when making diagnoses and developing treatment plans. The first treatment approach does not always work, so you will need to have back-up plans and the ability to question what is working and what is not. Alongside these critical thinking skills, you will need a scientific mind. You will have to keep up to date on research trends, know enough about medication to be able to talk to people about any medications they are taking, and remain mindful of alternative treatments such as exercise, herbal therapies, or nutritional changes. Like Alternate Healing methods for Depression and Herbal Therapies for gastritis. A therapist who can help people try several different proven strategies is much more likely to be effective.

Therapists also need to be able to detect what is under the surface and respectfully question people. Without good critical thinking skills, you could miss out on an important behavioral explanation. Someone who insists that his or her spouse is intolerable might, for example, be verbally abusing that partner. A therapist who cannot ask tough questions and search for what is below the surface might make the wrong recommendations or guide people toward unwise decisions.

16)   Problem-Solving is a Skill required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist. It’s not up to a counselor to solve her clients’ problems, no matter how much she might want to help. But counselors must have excellent problem-solving skills to be able to help their clients identify and make changes to negative thought patterns and other harmful behaviors that might be contributing to their issues.

17) Rapport-Building is a Skill required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist. 

Counselors must possess a strong set of interpersonal skills to help establish rapport quickly with clients and develop strong relationships. They must give their undivided attention to clients and be able to cultivate trust. Counselors need to be able to place all of their focus on what their clients are saying and avoid being distracted by their own personal problems or concerns when they are in a session.

18) Flexibility is a Skill required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist. Flexibility in counseling is defined as the ability to adapt and change the way you respond to meet your clients’ needs. You don’t stay rigid and stick to a predetermined treatment path when your clients require a different approach. Being flexible is one of the most important attributes of a professional counselor.

19) Self-Awareness is a Skill required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist. Self-awareness is the ability to look within and identify your own unmet psychological needs and desires, such as a need for intimacy or the desire to be professionally competent. This ability prevents your issues from affecting or conflicting with those of your clients. Self-awareness has a major impact on a counselor’s effectiveness.

20) Multicultural Competency is a Skill required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist. Counselors help people from all walks of life. They must display multicultural competency and adopt a multicultural worldview. Multicultural competency means that you try to relate to and understand your clients regardless of their race, ethnicity, religious or political beliefs or socioeconomic background.

21) Sense of Humor is a Skill required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist. Counselors sit through some uncomfortable, difficult, and often traumatic stories. That said, it’s alright for both counselors and clients to laugh along the way.

Timing is, of course, everything when it comes to this type of thing, but knowing how to form a relational connection with someone to the point of developing a shared sense of humor is a skill that shouldn’t be overlooked.

Humor and a nuanced understanding of its uses in the therapeutic environment is a valuable tool.

22) Learn Continuously is a Skill required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist.

Counselors that do not have a commitment to professional development will find it increasingly difficult to practice and this lack of commitment often will affect their level of service. Professional Development options include workshops, conferences, courses, articles and many other learning pathways including online learning and group supervision. These can be also found at Alternate Medicine Courses in Chennai.

23) Get a Supervisor: There are different theories and models in supervision. There are also different types of supervision (e.g. structured/unstructured, individual/group), each with a range of delivery methods (e.g. live, self-report, audio tape, etc).

24) Care for Yourself is a Skill required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist. Counselling-orientated problems, with other factors previously mentioned, have the potential to place counselors at a high risk of burnout. Understanding how stress and burnout can affect individuals is the starting point to developing strategies that promote self-care and reduce the incidence of burnout. The quest to find balance in life/work situations can be as important as the quest for knowledge.

25) Increase Your Professional Effectiveness is a Skill required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist. Effectiveness strategies can assist counselors to become more organized and efficient in their daily tasks. Ultimately, the application of effectiveness strategies will assist a counselor to improve in a range of personal and professional areas. Effectiveness strategies can include time management skills, emotional resilience, goal-setting, planning, and many other areas.

26) Counselor Self-Disclosure is a Skill required for being the Best Counselor and Therapist. This is a tricky counseling skill to maneuver. A general rule to follow is to only share personal information that is beneficial to the therapeutic process. It might also be used to help the counselor relate better with their client.

I have given an exhaustive list of Skills required for being the Best Counselor and Psychotherapist and I follow all of them. In case there is any other skill that you know of then do let me know so that I can add to my Skills required for being the Best Counselor and Psychotherapist.


18 Best Alternate Healing Methods to Treat Depression

18 Best Alternate Healing Methods to Treat Depression

Alternate Healing methods to Treat Depression are many and effective. Depression can hit anyone be it an adult male or female, adolescent, or child and there are alternate healing methods for depression.
I am giving a list of Best 18 Alternate Healing Methods for Depression. I have successfully used a number of Alternate Healing Methods for my clients at my Alternate Medicine Centre in Chennai and was successful. There are many Alternate Medicine Courses in Chennai for Alternate Healing Methods for Depression

All these Alternate Healing methods for Depression could be tried out along with regular medication especially in cases of severe Depression.

However first let us understand what is Depression?
Depression is an illness that involves the body, mood, and thoughts and that affects the way a person eats, sleeps, feels about one self, and thinks about things. Depression is a persistent problem not a temporary phase. Temporary emotional responses to the challenges of everyday life do not constitute depression. It is not a sign of personal weakness or a condition that can be done away. People with depression cannot merely ‘snap out of it ‘ and get better. The average length of a depressive episode is 6 to 8 months. Without treatment the symptoms can last for years. Appropriate treatment, however, can help most people with depression.
The signs and symptoms of depression are: loss of interest in activities that were once interesting or enjoyable, including sex; loss of appetite, with weight loss or overeating, with weight gain; loss of emotional expression (flat affect); a persistently sad, anxious, or empty mood; feelings of hopelessness, pessimism, guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness; social withdrawal; unusual fatigue, low energy level, a feeling of being slowed down; disturbed sleep and insomnia, early-morning awakening or oversleeping; trouble concentrating, remembering, or making decisions; unusual restlessness or irritability; persistent physical problems such as headaches, digestive disorders, or chronic pain that does not respond to treatment, and thoughts of death or suicide or suicide attempts.

The Best Alternate Healing methods for Depression are:

1)    Psychotherapy as an Alternate Healing Method for Depression

Psychological or talking therapies for depression include cognitive-
behavioral therapy (CBT), Neuro Linguist therapy (NLP), interpersonal
psychotherapy, and problem-solving treatment. In mild cases of depression,
psychotherapies are the first option for treatment; in moderate and severe
cases, they may be used alongside other treatment.

2)  Bach Flower Remedies as an Alternate Healing Method for Depression Depression can be cured with the help of Bach Flower Remedies. The Bach Flower Remedies work on the emotional level, removing emotional imbalances such as, depression, anxiety, jealousy, fears, trauma, self-confidence and impatience as an example.The Bach Flower Remedies are 100% safe with no side effects and when you feel fine again you stop taking the remedies and you will remain fine. The Bach remedies one can take depending on the mood state are: Gentian, Pine, Mustard, Elm, Larch, Cherry Plum, Hornbeam, White Chestnut and Aspen.


3) Guided imagery and relaxation an Alternate Healing Method for Depression

Guided imagery is an alternate healing method for depression. This is a form of focused relaxation that helps create harmony between the mind and body. Guided imagery coaches you in creating calm, peaceful images in your mind—a “mental escape” for therapeutic purposes. It can be a powerful psychological strategy to enhance a person’s coping skills. It can help people cope with—and possibly overcome—stress, anger, pain, depression, and insomnia with or without associated physical illness.

4) Mudra treatment an Alternate Healing Method for Depression
Mudra therapy works according to the principles of Ayurveda. It is very easy and efficient to manipulate Doshas. Just thirty to forty-five minutes of regular practice is enough to get good results and is very useful to prevent depression.The types of mudra that are useful to prevent depression are Gyan mudra , Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra

5) Acupressure therapy an Alternate Healing Method for Depression Acupressure is a fast way of treatment .Through Acupressure and massage therapy you can overcome depression if you continued it for few days.
First relief another hand whole length of inner wrist fold to rubbed with thumb of other hand.
Second relief point: Portion of stomach between navel and back of ribs along the mid line about 4 AIs in length upward from navel.
After this a whole body massage or back and head massage are very useful.

6) Herbal remedies an Alternate Healing Method for Depression

  • Before recommending any substance to treat reported depression or mood imbalance, providers will take detailed medical history to look for biochemical causes that may contribute to mood imbalance. The blood tests may check levels of certain substances, such as Vitamin D and folate, which may play a role in mood imbalance.
    Of the wide variety of available herbal therapies, St. John’s wort and ginkgo biloba are the products most often used for treating depression.
  • St. John’s wort has been used for medical purposes in other parts of the world for thousands of years, despite the fact that it has not been scientifically proven to treat moderate to severe depression.
  • Ginkgo biloba is thought to improve memory and other intellectual functions, although the evidence is not consistent.
  • Ashwagandha works as well as, or better than, antidepressant drugs at relieving anxiety and treating depression symptoms. And ashwagandha naturally prevents stress- induced damage without causing harmful side effects.
  • Any herbal supplement requires caution and should be taken only after consulting your doctor. Your doctor can help you weigh the risks and potential benefits so you can make an informed decision.
  • 7) Acupuncture an Alternate Healing Method for Depression.

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese method of healing that prevents and cures specific diseases and conditions by sticking very fine, solid needles into specific points on the body. Acupuncture stimulates the body’s ability to resist or overcome illness by correcting imbalances. It also prompts the body to produce chemicals that decrease or eliminate painful sensations.
In a recent clinical study, acupuncture has been shown to be effective in decreasing depression earlier when compared to usual methods. For people who suffer from both pain and depression, acupuncture is better than counseling and standard of care at reducing both symptoms.

8) Switch Words and Mantras an Alternate Healing Method for Depression
CHIN MUDRA will remove depression. Be in Chin Mudra and chant the Switch Words ‘MOVE ON’.
You can also chant the following Switch Words to come out of depression:
“OVER MOVE ON” – when you are depressed
“FIND” – an anti-depressive word
“FIND CLEAR” – it is similar to the mantra LALITHAM BASKARAM.
When you say FIND you will not be disappointed or sad. It is an anti-depressive word. What is depression – it is only sadness. FIND is a first class mantra for depression.
Chant NAMASHIVAYAM regularly to be happy and “GURU GUGAN KODI KODI LAVANYAM” to come out of depression, sadness and any type of negative thinking.
To get relieved from Sadness or Grief chant “SUM JUM MUM”.

9) Reflexology as an Alternate Healing Method for Depression
Reflexologists believe that the body has the capacity to heal itself. The nerves in the hands and feet are related to various parts of the body. Reflexologists believe that the healing process is stimulated by applying pressure to specific points on the hands and feet.

10)  Exercise as an Alternate Healing Method for Depression
It temporarily boosts feel-good chemicals called endorphins. It also has long-term benefits for people with depression. Regular exercise seems to encourage the brain to rewire itself in positive ways. Different forms of exercise can lower your stress; reduce depression; and increase your energy level, balance, flexibility, and ability to relax. In general, exercise is a safe and easy way to improve your well-being, but always check with your doctor before starting a new exercise program. Just 15 minutes a day will do the trick. Aerobic exercise may help against mild depression since it raises endorphin levels and stimulates the neurotransmitter norepinephrine, which is related to mood.

11)  Essential Oils as an Alternate Healing Method for Depression
Essential oils are primarily recognized for their aromatic effects on depression and its symptoms. Whether you choose to inhale the scent directly or allow it to disperse into the area is up to you. You should still be able to benefit from its effects either way. Essential oils can be used as a complementary treatment for depression. It’s important to note that essential oils aren’t a cure for depression. They’re a drug-free option that may help relieve some of your symptoms and help you manage the condition. In most cases, essential oils are safe and free of side effects.
Some of the essential oils that can be used for treatment of Depression are: Lavender, Wild ginger, Bergamot, chamomile, sweet orange, grapefruit, neroli, frankincense, jasmine and sandalwood.
Note: Only buy oils from a reputable manufacturer. If possible, ask a trained aromatherapist for a recommendation.

12)  Yoga as an alternate healing Method for Depression
Yoga “meets you where you are,” even when you are depressed. Practicing yoga teaches you breathing techniques that can help to energize you when you are feeling down or to help calm you at the times you may be feeling anxiety. The breath is the link between your mind and your body. Changing your breath can help you feel better mentally and physically. The postures and movements in yoga teach you how to hold your body in a way that can make you feel stronger, better able to breathe and function, and to create an improved sense of overall well-being. Depression can overcome through yoga and pranayama. Shir asana or sarvanga asana is best to overcome depression, but this asana is tough to perform for a common man, vajrasana.  Vajrayana is also beneficial for the treatment of depression. Any physical exercise is useful you can select one of any asana or any other exercise.

13) Crystal Therapy as an alternate healing Method for Depression
Crystals are transmitters and magnifiers of energy. They absorb negative energies that are negatively affecting your quality of life. Their job is to protect your energy and absorb the negativity being directed at you and release the sadness coming from within you. Thus they are great in assisting in treatment of Depression.
Some of the crystals to be used are: Carnelian, Shungite, Citrine, Aventurine, yellow Gold, Tiger’s Eye, Agate, Amzonite, Charoite, and Emerald. You need to check if the crystals resonate with you before you start using them.
Please remember, although the powers of crystals and stones are well documented and have been proven to help bring positivity into people’s lives they are never a substitute for medical advice.

14) Pranayama as an Alternate Healing Method for Depression
Pranayama has a direct effect on the mind, Kapalbhati, Anuloma-viloma pranayama is best for treating major depression.

15) Kundalini awakening as an Alternate Healing Method for Depression
Kundalini awakening is very effective way to overcome depression.

16) Diet therapy as an Alternate Healing Method for Depression
If you feel you are in a depressive mood then it is best to change your diet immediately. Completely exclude coffee, tea, alcohol, chocolate and cola, all white flour products, sugar, food colorings, chemical additives, white rice and strong condiments. It is better to take only three meals, Fruits and nuts along with milk are preferable for breakfast. Lunch and Dinner should be light include plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.

17) Brain Stimulation Therapies as an Alternate Healing Method for Depression
Brain stimulation therapies – including electroconvulsive therapy – are also used in depression. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation sends magnetic pulses to the brain and may be effective in major depressive disorder. Severe cases of depression that have not responded to drug treatment may benefit from electroconvulsive therapy (ECT); this is particularly effective for psychotic depression.

18) Other Alternate Healing Method for Depression
Get in a routine: If you’re depressed, you need a routine. Depression can strip away the structure from your life. One day melts into the next. Setting a gentle daily schedule can help you get back on track.
Set yourself a goal: When you’re depressed, you may feel like you can’t accomplish anything. That makes you feel worse about yourself. To push back, set daily goals for yourself. Start very small. Make your goal something that you can succeed at, like doing the dishes every other day. As you start to feel better, you can add more challenging daily goals .When you accomplish your goal reward yourself with something small you love.
Get enough sleep. Depression can make it hard to get enough shut-eye, and too little sleep can make depression worse. Start by making some changes to your lifestyle. Go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Try not to nap. Take all the distractions out of your bedroom — no computer and no TV. In time, you may find your sleep improves.
Take on responsibilities. When you’re depressed, you may want to pull back from life and give up your responsibilities at home and at work. Don’t. Staying involved and having daily responsibilities can help you maintain a lifestyle that can help counter depression. They ground you and give you a sense of accomplishment. If you’re not up to full-time school or work, that’s fine. Think about part-time. If that seems like too much, consider volunteer work.
 Challenge negative thoughts. In your fight against depression, a lot of the work is
mental — changing how you think. When you’re depressed, you leap to the worst
possible conclusions.
Do something new. When you’re depressed, you’re in a rut. Push yourself to do something different. Go to a museum. Pick up a used book and read it on a park bench. Volunteer at a NGO helping them out. Take a language class.
Try to have fun. If you’re depressed, make time for things you enjoy. What if nothing seems fun anymore? That’s just a symptom of depression. You have to keep trying anyway.
Expose yourself to sunlight, which can boost mood and increase Vitamin D
levels. If you live somewhere that gets little sun, invest in a therapeutic light
Avoid stress inducing situations. Stress is also known to induce or prolong depression in an individual. We have all heard of laughter club, it works wonders to combat stress.
Caring for a pet / an infant brings about a sense of responsibility, belongingness and companionship. It also makes you feel needed / wanted and in charge / powerful contributing to someone apart from yourself. This can serve as an antidote to depression.
Reinventing ones hobbies or art is a great way not only to experience happiness but also to express your inner most self and is widely used as a therapeutic and analytic approach in many forms of mental illness.
Step out of your comfort zone to meet people and make outings.
Make routine programs with people or self even if you may have to push yourself initially. Once you are absorbed in an activity you will realize how much you actually enjoyed it.


Now take the first step to heal through these Alternate Healing Method for Depression
and if you have any comments, please feel free to send me them to me, or if you find  any other Alternate Healing Method for Depression and find it effective, please let me know, so that I can add to the list.

alternative medicine chennai

8 Alternate Medicine Centres in Chennai

I am Anjana Bindlish from Chennai and I am a Registered Alternate Medicine Practitioner. Today people are moving towards alternate medicine and many a times they do not find an Alternate Medicine Centre where alternate medicine is practiced.

I want to share that Alternate Medicine means any form of treatment that does not come under Allopathic, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Siddha or Unani form of treatment.

When searching for an alternate medicine centre through the search engines, I have found that we land up with many of the above streams practitioners listed as alternate medicine centres and practitioners.  So I am giving a list of top 10 Alternate Medicine centres in Chennai where actually alternate medicine is practiced.

The list that I am giving you today is of Alternate Medicine Centres I have visited and found them excellent.

  1. Prakasa Centre for Conscious Living, an Alternate Medicine Centre,owned and managed by Dr, G.L. Sampoorna, one of the most peaceful centre. Sampoorna has done pioneering research and work in the area of forgiveness in psychology, in India. Her work, evolved over three decades is an amalgamation of multi-disciplinary processes that bring together the best of the East and the West. Her services are in person, through telephone and online with people across the world. Sampoorna inspires people across the globe to access their inner wisdom, joy, love and well-being. She is one of the best persons that I have met in my life. I personally owe her a lot.

Prakasa Centre for Conscious Living, Rathna, No: 1, Masilamani Road, Balaji Nagar, Royapettah, Chennai – 600014 Contact:98402 30151

G. L. Sampoorna


2) Naran’ S Bach Flower Study Centre, an Alternate Medicine Centre, owned and run by Herbalist Balakumar, (NARAN) a Botany Graduate, started suggesting flower therapy 20 years ago, to heal various emotional problems people normally undergo in their day-to-day lives. Balakumar, also known as NARAN is a “Reiki Master” Naran S. Balakumar is a Registered Medical Practitioner in Alternative Medicine.He also uses healing power of ‘Mudras’ to help people achieve emotional freedom.He prepares Alpha, Beta and Delta Brain wave audio CDs for Meditation, Concentration, Relaxation, Sleeplessness,  Self-Confidence, Physical Healing and Chakra Tuning. Audio CDs meant for physical problems contain affirmations to heal the probable mental cause of the problem. A centre where I come away always with a totally relieved mind, worth visiting.

New No.6, Vaidya Raman Street, T. Nagar, Near Hindi Prachar Sabha, Off Thanikachalam Road, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600017


3) C.U. Shah Centre For Alternative Medicine & Therapy.A wonderful Alternate Medicine Centre having a lot of different therapies under one roof, matching needs of everyone. There is Acupressure, Acupuncture, Allergy and Asthma, Panchkavya, Naturopathy, Wax therapy and a lot more. The cost is minimum and the treatment given is excellent.

C.U. Shah Centre For Alternative Medicine & Therapy.

No: 78/79, Ritherdon Road, 3rd Floor, Purasawalkam, Chennai – 600007

Phone: 044-25322077

4) Aasmaa – Journey to self– An Alternate Medicine Centre, owned and run by Sandhya Babel. She uses Theta Healing, Sound Healing and Acu-touch healing. Healing she says helps people in channelizing their energy in the right direction for their highest and best good. Healthy people also derive great benefits from it, they become calmer and report higher levels of energy. She is deeply involved in her work and has 2 special programs – Dina Charya and Core Work Program.

Aasmaa – Journey to self

9/21, Landons Road (Behind Ega Cinemas), Kilpauk, Chennai – 600 010

Phone: +91 (44) 2665 1611


5) Body Mind Soul Centre – An Alternate Medicine Centre for hypnotherapy and holistic healing reiki and chakra healing owned and managed by Surekha Kothari .

Hypnotherapy is a combination of hypnosis and therapeutic intervention. The therapist leads the client to positive change while the patient is deeply relaxed in a state of heightened suggestibility called trance. This is possible only when the client understands, accepts, and has faith in the therapy and is a willing participant in the process. Besides she also handles Addictions, Age Regression, Attachement Removal, Aura Scan,  Counseling, Healing, Past life Regression and Reiki Healing.

Body Mind Soul Centre

15, 5th Street, Dr. Thirumurthi Nagar, Nungambakkam, Chennai 600 034,

CONTACT NUMBER: (Work) +91 96001 99996 / (044) 28334566

My Songs

6) Kirtida Shah Reiki & Alternate Healing Techniques- Chennai -An Alternate Medicine Centre owned and managed by Kirtida Shah. She is a wonderful person. She acquires new competencies, work methods, ideas, and information that will improve efficiency and effectiveness of the Reiki methods. She also  listens and provides a mature, respectful response. She has lot of  patience and a wonderful listener . She takes whatsapp courses.

Kirtida Shah Reiki & Alternate Healing Techniques- Chennai

12, Coats Rd, Parthasarathi Puram, T Nagar, Chennai – 600017

Phone: 093846 20484

7) PS Lalitha Holistic Clinic – An Alternate Medicine Centre, owned and managed by Dr. P.S. Lalitha, she is a holistic healer –Reiki Grandmaster, specialist in drugless therapy is keen on promoting the holistic healing.

She has been treating patients through a combination of Reiki, Pranic healing, Crystal Therapy, Magnetotherapy, Acupressure and Acupuncture. She has wonderful referrals from her clients.

Dr PS Lalitha Holistic Clinic

34/7, Kotivakkam Kuppam Road, Thiruvanmyur, Chennai – 600 041.

Mobile : +91 98400 44198


8)Third Eye Reiki Services -An Alternate Medicine Centre, The center is run by reiki master teacher A.B. Saveetha M.A. She has been practicing reiki for ten years and has successfully healed numerous people. She is a philanthropist, yoga teacher, magnified healing master/teacher, reiki master/ teacher.

Reiki is a divine intervention aimed at equipping people with the ability to channel energy from higher dimensions and transmuting energy into different expressions of the same universal life force energy, it helps in manifesting ones desires. She does Distance Healing also, which is a great help.

Third Eye Reiki Services

Plot No. 49, Door no 7, First Floor,Second Cross, Chandran nagar, Chromepet,

Chennai – 600044.

Mobile #: +91 9600015115 Ph #: +91 044 42877131, +91 9444342693

I too own and manage an Alternate Medicine Clinic called Counselling and Psychotherapy centre. The Alternate Therapies  used by me are Neuro Linguistic Therapies, Gestalt Therapies, Mind Body Healing, Bach Flower Remedies,  Gem Remedies, Essential oils, Affirmations, Switch words and Mudra healing. A lot of Psychometric tests are also done here. A lot more is done here, to know contact:

Counselling and Psychotherapy Centre

G-3, Uma Complex,39, Branson Garden Street,  Kellys, Chennai – 600010

Mobile: 9840710601.