Myths and Facts About Counselling

Counseling is a process where clients are helped in dealing with their personal and interpersonal conflicts by a third-party therapist. It allows an individual to have an opportunity to improve upon their understanding of themselves, including their pattern of thoughts, behaviors, feelings and the ways in which these may have been problematic in their lives. It also helps to examine how to tap into existing resources or develop new ones that enhance their lives and relationships.

1) Myth about counseling.
Counseling is only for crazy, mad people and emotionally sick people.
Fact: It is for every normal, bright, stable and skilled persons’ who are facing some confusion and struggle in their life and finding it difficult to arrive at a conclusion#. They are emotionally mature and are of sound health to ask for help!

2) Myth about counselling:
A person asking for help through counselling is weak.
Asking for help does not make a person weak. In fact, it takes courage and a certain amount of emotional maturity to acknowledge that we don’t know all the answers and to reach out and ask for some guidance. Being willing to ask for help is a way of taking responsibility and doing what we need to do to take care of ourselves. And in so many ways, that’s the very definition of strength — not weakness. Counselling is to clarify those doubts that you cannot share with friends and family. A counselor listens and understands.

3) Myth about counselling:
Counselor does not know me, so he/she cannot help.
Being a third unknown person makes the Counselor non judgmental and take a overall view of the situation and guide the client to a proper and safe conclusion.

4)Myth about Counseling:
Counseling is only for MEN/WOMEN.
Counseling is not gender specific. But it is a fact that Number of male seeking help is more than the female gender. One of the reasons could be that female gender has a better emotional control comparatively.
But BOTTLING UP in the PRETENSION of control is detrimental to both.

5) Myth about counselling:
Counselors# can read the Mind. They will draw out the deep dark secrets.
Definitely Not! They can only help# you to understand your issues or problems and yourself better. Decision# to share what, how much and when are all decisions of the client. He/ she can share when they feel comfortable.

6)Myth about Counseling:
People who go for counseling are broken and emotionally Damaged.
Fact about Counseling:
Everything may not be perfectly fine in your life, but that doesn’t mean you’re broken or emotionally Damaged. It is not the end of the world. You can seek help for the same and heal. Counseling is a tool for people to explore themselves and learn to lead a better life.

7) Myth about counselling:
Everyone will come to know about my issues and problems if I disclose to the Counselor.
The Counselor is bound by ethics not to disclose what was discussed during the session, except to get a second opinion from a fellow Counselor and then also without the name being disclosed.

8) Myth about counselling:
Counselors can “fix” my problem.
Counseling has no quick solution to any problem.
The role of Counselors is to explore your thoughts, feelings, concerns, and help you with options and assist you in achieving the goals you have set.

9) Myth :Counseling is only for problems that are severe
Fact: Most individuals seek counseling for everyday issues like relationship problems, stress, and symptoms of depression. It is true that counseling can be helpful for individuals suffering from severe problems. However, seeking counseling for problems at this level does not represent the majority of clients in counseling. Additionally, attending counseling when problems are mild to moderate can prevent problems from becoming severe.